Welcome to SPP 2026
This is the platform of a coordinated research programme in mathematics, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It comprises 80 research projects in the fields of differential geometry, geometric topology, and global analysis. More than 80 researchers from doctoral to professorial level and based at more than 20 German and Swiss universities are represented in this programme.
Latest publications
Computer-assisted methods in Sigma-theory
Elisa Hartmann
We develop an algorithm for recognizing whether a character belongs to \(\Sigma^m\). In order to apply it we just need to know that the ambient group…
Geometric invariants of locally compact groups: the homological perspective
Kai-Uwe Bux, Elisa Hartmann, José Pedro Quintanilha
In this paper we develop the theory of homological geometric invariants (following Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz) for locally compact Hausdorff groups.…
Profiniteness of higher rank volume
Holger Kammeyer, Steffen Kionke, Ralf Köhl
We show that the covolume of an irreducible lattice in a higher rank semisimple Lie group with the congruence subgroup property is determined by the…
Non-collapsing, non-inflating and convergence results for solutions to Ricci flow with $L^{p}$ bounded scalar curvature
Jiawei Liu and Miles Simon
In this paper we study n-dimensional Ricci flows (M,g(t)), t in [0,T), where T is finite, and potentially a singular time, and for which the…